Billabong “Know The Feeling: Hawaiʻi” 


Billabong Women’s Know The Feeling Episode 05 focuses on Hawaiʻi and some of the women of the community to help tell the story of surfing in Hawaiʻi.

Hawai'i is a place that is inextricably linked to and woven into surf culture. Historically, culturally, and within the sport itself, “surf” and “Hawai'i” are almost synonymous terms. However, that familiarity tends to only scratch the surface of what surfing in Hawai'i is really all about—and all of the tradition, meaning, and stories that come with that. 

The thing is, surfing in Hawai’i has always been more than that—long before it ever became the sport many know it as today, Hawaiians were riding waves, and surfing was a key part of a thriving culture; stories and traditions of which were passed down from generation to generation. Surfing was for all reaches of society, and it was a vehicle for community, identity, and belonging.

Watch the full film here

Global Creative Director: Elley Norman
Director: Scott Wynn
Producer: Aja Toscano
Copywriter: Colleen Conroy
Videographer: Andrew Schoener
Photographer: Benjamin Ono
Talent: Mahina Florence, Haʻa Keaulana, Alessa Quizon, Luana Silva, and Tammy Moniz 

Images courtesy of Benjamin Ono. 

August 2021